
Friday, August 12, 2011

Gig 8 -- an A CUP logo

If these gigs were boobs, I wouldn't impressed, not one bit. I chose designinc gig to to create "4 original vectorized logos for my motorcycle fairing site where I sell aftermarket honda fairings, yamaha fairings, suzuki fairings, and fairings for other brands. I realize for $5 you can't expect a worldclass logo but for fucksake I expected them to be reflective of what was posted in the gig photo. Needless to say they were shit compared to the logos he was showing in his photos. In terms of boobs, well the logos he were showing were I would say average C cups.

To top it off he sent two messages telling me that if I were the type to leave negative feedback for $5 logos that I should cancel. I replied saying, "as long as the logos in your gig image are reflective of what you produce, I will be happy"

THis makes 2 shitty graphic gigs.... I'm not sure If I'll try a 3rd or just hire my pro to do a good logo.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this blog. I just discovered Fiverr this morning and have been like a kid in a candy store. I've already bought 3 gigs and am looking for a quick and easy logo for a cheapskate client of mine! It's good to get the really positive reviews like the one for 'solvedstuff'. I've bookmarked that one for future niggles. Will report back with my experiences of the stuff I bought today hopefully!
